Maybe on the last day it's the first time we have visual arts... TINA KLATTE, 2016
live-tempera feat.
Caroline Kraabel ... committed to improvisation as a way of living and working. As a saxophonist she makes music in unexpected ways and performing in unexpected places...
Sarah Washington Artist and activist. Exceptional artist host, team mediator, performance and radio programmer...
Chris Weaver ... a decade of experience as the studio manager of Resonance FM in London as well as life as a sound artist in Dubai.
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radio revolten · 30 days of radio art
Leading art institutions such as Tate Modern, the São Paulo Biennial, and Documenta have now recognized that an ongoing artistic use of the airwaves has generated an autonomous genre called radio art. Over the last few decades independent radio stations in North America and Europe have provided crucial support for this art form to develop and flourish. In October 2016 the International Radio Art Festival Radio Revolten, organized by community radio station CORAX, brought together today’s radio artists in Halle [Saale] in Germany. Radio Revolten featured a dedicated radio art station, installations, live performances, conferences, workshops, and public interventions. This book documents the world’s most extensive radio art festival, which presented community radio as an open-access medium for cultural use.
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Bestimmende Kunstinstitutionen wie die Tate Modern, die São Paulo Biennale und die Documenta haben mittlerweile erkannt, dass eine anhaltende künstlerische Praxis im Äther ein eigenes Genre hervorgebracht hat: die Radiokunst. Unabhängige Radiosender in Nordamerika und Europa haben diese Kunstform in den letzten Jahrzehnten entscheidend unterstützt und mit entwickelt. Im Oktober 2016 versammelte das Internationale Radiokunstfestival Radio Revolten, das vom freien Radiosender CORAX veranstaltet wurde, gegenwärtige Radiokünstler in Halle [Saale], Deutschland. Radio Revolten präsentierte eine eigene Radiokunststation, Installationen, Live-Performances, Konferenzen, Workshops und öffentliche Interventionen. Der Band dokumentiert das weltweit umfangreichste Radiokunstfestival, bei dem es um freies Radio als öffentlich zugängliches Medium für den kulturellen Gebrauch ging.
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